A new article from Journey’s is coming soon….

Manuel Mesones Muro, (1862-1930) the man of the « inter ocean »…geographer, historian, geologist, linguist, pioneer of the exploration of north Peru, he found a way to link the forested interior to the Pacific.

The international journal of travel and travel writing

A new collaboration with the journal of travel and travel writing, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that explores travel as a practice and travel writing as a genre, reflecting the rich diversity of travel and journeys as social and cultural practices as well as their significance as metaphorical processes.

« Les grands renouvellements ne viennent jamais d’en haut, mais toujours d’en bas; les arbres ne descendent pas du ciel; ils croissent du sol, bien que leurs graines fussent jadis tombées d’en haut. » C.C.JUNG

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